Colloque LIVES : « Mobility in the life course » les 5 & 6 novembre 2024 – Genève

The Swiss Centre of Expertise in Life Course Research (LIVES) and the nccr – on the move hold an international conference at the University of Geneva, Switzerland, on 5-6 November 2024 on the topic :

Mobility in the life course

The early 21st century is marked by novel forms of mobility encompassing migration, family, career and social mobility. Yet, individual mobility encounters considerable resistance: international migrations face regulations that control movement across national borders; new forms of family mobility clash with traditional norms; novel career paths conflict with costly migration or family changes; while social mobility, especially intergenerational mobility, remains often trapped by institutions such as educational systems.

To shed light on evolving forms of mobility, this conference brings together two perspectives developed within the National Centers of Competence in Research (NCCR): the life course perspective (Centre LIVES, Lausanne and Geneva) and the Migration-Mobility Nexus (nccr – on the move, Neuchâtel).

We welcome papers and posters that address issues linked to migration and other forms of mobility in the life course (e.g. social, family, professional, educational). We are particularly interested in submissions that use innovative methods and novel data.

See the flyer of the conference call

Keynote speakers 

  • Borja Martinovic, Utrecht University 
  • Hill Kulu, University of St Andrews
  • Dominik Hangartner, ETH Zurich

More information about the keynote speakers


Please submit your proposal – a short abstract of 100 words as well as an extended abstract of 500 words – through the conference submission formThe deadline for submissions is 31 May 2024. Authors will be informed about the decision by 21                                              June 2024.

Conference fees

There are no conference fees. The LIVES Centre will invite participants to coffee breaks, two lunches, drinks and the conference dinner on 5 November 2023. The conference starts on 5 November in the morning and ends on 6 November after lunch.

For further questions, please contact the local organizers:

Centre LIVES | Université de Lausanne | Bâtiment Géopolis | CH-1015 Lausanne
Tél: +41 21 692 38 83 | |

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