CONFERENCE ANNOUNCEMENT AND CALL FOR PAPERS : School-to-work transitions in uncertain times – COVID-19 and digital learning. 29 th annual workshop September 7-11 2022

Network Committee: Paolo Barbieri, Hans Dietrich, Cristina Iannelli, Irena Kogan, Luis Ortiz, Emer Smyth, Dieter Verhaest, Maarten Wolbers

29th ANNUAL WORKSHOP September 7–11 2022


Due to the COVID–19 pandemic, the annual workshop of the European Research Network on Transitions in Youth (TIY) was held online in 2021.The next annual conference is scheduled for September 8–10 2022 as an in–person event, organized by Francesco Pastore and his team from the Università of Campania “Luigi Vanvitelli”, Naples, Italy.

The theme of this year’s workshop is:

School–to–work transitions in uncertain times – COVID–19 and digital learning

The COVID–19 pandemic has affected young people’s school–to–work transitions in manifold ways.

During lockdown, standard forms of education were replaced by online and home schooling, exams were delayed or skipped, access to firm–based training was reduced due to shutdowns of businesses or firm closures, job search became less successful as job–openings were reduced, and employment services were not accessible. However, the patterns of Covid–19 pandemic–induced restrictions have varied over time and between countries. As we know from a rich body of literature, the transition process from completion of education to the attainment of a stable job varies over European countries due to different macro–economic situations, institutional settings, educational and labour market policies, and cultures.

Given the country– and time–specific responses to the pandemic, we anticipate the impact on school–to–work transitions will vary, reflecting, at least in part, cross–national variation in

institutional regimes, including the educational system and the labour market.

In this year’s workshop, we invite papers on the consequences of the COVID–19 pandemic, and/or previous periods of turbulence, for the nature of the transition process. In particular, attention will be paid to the following themes:

• School–to–work–transitions in (post–)COVID–19 times

• Home schooling, remote learning in higher education and adapted workplace training during lockdown
• Vocational orientation, guidance and counselling in COVID–19 times

• COVID–19 effects on health, wellbeing and other domains of young people’s lives

• Unemployment and job search behavior at labour market entry in times of insecurity

• Changes in educational plans and attainment

• Job security, quality of job and wages among young workers

• General versus specific education and training in times of uncertainty

The list of suggested themes is neither complete nor exclusive. Theoretically driven empirical research on other aspects of youth transitions that is based on high–quality (longitudinal) data, and experimental or intervention studies, are also welcome. The committee also invites conceptual contributions, systematic reviews, and meta–analyses.

The Network Committee, therefore, cordially invites authors to submit contributions concerning the area of youth transitions, especially – but not exclusively – the analysis of effects of the COVID–19 pandemic on transitions from education to the labour market.

If you wish to present a paper at the workshop, please send an abstract (500 words) to the email address below by April 3, 2022. In keeping with our usual procedures, members of the Network Committee will assess abstracts based on their quality and relevance to the theme of the workshop.

Authors will be notified of the decision regarding their paper by the end of April 2022.

The conference will take place on site in Naples, including standard presentations and discussions and some social activities. The conference fee is 160 € (which covers the venue, welcome meeting, daily coffee brakes, lunches and social dinner). The local organizers will provide advice for accommodation close to the conference venue after paper acceptance’. To ensure the smooth running of the workshop, participants are requested to register by May 15, 2022.

To make papers available to workshop participants in advance, final (electronic) versions should reach the local organizers by August 15, 2022.

Prof. Steven Rivkin, University of Illinois Chicago, will deliver a keynote speech. The title of

the keynote speech is to be confirmed.

Local organising team: Francesco Pastore (coordinator), Claudia Cantabene, Alessandro De Ludicibus, Antonella Rocca & Marco Stimolo

Submission of abstracts: Abstracts should be sent by e–mail to:

Further and detailed info you will also find at our conference website:–conferenze–workshops/2–non–categorizzato/3831–transition–in–youth–2022

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