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Fiche de ALBANDEA Ines

Bureau : Room 104 - Pôle AAFE Building
Tél. : +33 3 80 39 54 55
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Fonction : Associate Researcher


Thesis defended on November 26, 2019

Thesis director: Jean-François Giret


Thesis subject: Returning to training and atypical academic carreers – determinants and recognition on the labour market


Thesis Abstract: Life long learning appears as a major concern for our societies. After leaving the educational system, learning can imply returning to school or continuing education. Academic careers in France seem less and less linear. Young people are encouraged to make the most of college breaks in order to diversify their experiences. During their career, they are to be trained to « be free to choose their professional future », as mentions a new law. This thesis, then, aims at identifying the reasons why people go back to training and at stuying how such returns are seen by the labor market.
This work includes a preliminary chapter and three other chapters, each with specific data.
Based on a literature review, the preliminary chapter investigates the reasons why people go back to school or choose training. We analyze the theoretical conditions explaining the way such experiences are seen by the labor market. The data of the first chapter are from the Céreq “Génération 98” survey, which tracks formal education leavers during ten years. Such a longitudinal survey enables the study of the impact of non-linear pathways on recent graduates salaries, thanks to the instrumental variables method. Recent graduates with post-secondary education interruption receive a lower salary than their peers, ceteris paribus – even with high social and academic profile and good relational skills.
This seems to confirm the hypothesis of a negative signal to the employers.
The results of the first chapter lead us into the second part where we investigate the promotion of atypical academic careers by the labor market. We surveyed recruitment consultants with the factorial survey method in order to understand how they perceive such careers. More than a thousand CVs were evaluated by the consultants according to the probability of them giving a job interview. Our econometric analysis shows that the absence of details about temporary education interruption seem detrimental, ceteris paribus. Facing the lack of information, recruitment consultants would not take the risk of hiring a candidate who has been non-working. Although, this large signal effect does not apply if the candidate mentions a trip abroad or a “service civique” during the academic career.
In the third part we try to understand what determines a reinvestment in training – but only for working employees.We use the “Defis” survey lead by the Céreq. The data are from employees and companies questionnaires. Our results show that very few variables seem to impact the chance for an employee to seek training. Likewise, accessing to optional training seems to rely on individual motives and on job characteristics – even though company features do matter. This fact increases the inequality in training accessibility. Using a DID matching method shows that this type of training doesn’t seem to increase salaries.



28 documents

Journal articles

  • Inès Albandea. The vignettes method for evaluating the social skills recruiters expect. International Journal of Lifelong Education, 2022, 41 (3), pp.366-381. ⟨10.1080/02601370.2022.2077851⟩. ⟨hal-03894076⟩
  • Inès Albandea. La perception des parcours d’études non linéaires par les recruteur·euse·s. L'Orientation scolaire et professionnelle, 2020, 49 (1), pp.37-66. ⟨halshs-02559627⟩
  • Inès Albandea. La discrimination peut-elle être la cause des inégalités scolaires ?. Le Français Aujourd'hui, 2020, 209, pp.29-38. ⟨halshs-02865908⟩
  • Inès Albandea, Jean-François Giret. The effect of soft skills on French post-secondary graduates’ earnings. International Journal of Manpower, 2018, 39 (6), pp.782 - 799. ⟨10.1108/IJM-01-2017-0014⟩. ⟨halshs-01888630⟩
  • Inès Albandea. La rentabilité salariale des parcours d'études non linéaires. Recherches en éducation, 2017, 30, pp.156-168. ⟨halshs-01620440⟩

Conference papers

  • Inès Albandea, Géraldine Farges, Loïc Szerdahelyi. Securing Pathways into Teaching to Attract More Applicants ? An Analysis of the ‘Pre-professionalisation’ Scheme for Undergraduate Students in France (2019). ECER 2022 : Education in a Changing World: The impact of global realities on the prospects and experiences of educational research,, Aug 2022, Yerevan, Armenia. ⟨hal-03791787⟩
  • Loïc Szerdahelyi, Géraldine Farges, Inès Albandea. Approche sociohistorique des préprofessionnalisations aux métiers de l’enseignement : le cas des IPES (1957-1981). Colloque international "L’enseignement supérieur du XIXe siècle à nos jours (France et international) : établissements, acteurs, disciplines, pédagogies", Jun 2022, Lyon, France. ⟨hal-03791828⟩
  • Inès Albandea, Géraldine Farges, Loïc Szerdahelyi. La préprofessionnalisation aux métiers de l’enseignement : un dispositif de sécurisation des parcours vers le professorat pour les profils exemplaires de milieux populaires ?. Trajectoires & carrières contemporaines : nouvelles perspectives méthodologiques : 27èmes journées du longitudinal, Pacte; Céreq; Université Grenoble Alpes; LARAC; INP Grenoble; IAE Grenoble; INJEP, Jun 2022, Grenoble, France. ⟨halshs-03786878⟩
  • Inès Albandea, Géraldine Farges, Loïc Szerdahelyi, Faustine Vallet-Giannini. Le dispositif ‘‘AED Prépro’’ entre attractivité et ouverture sociale des métiers de l’enseignement. La préprofessionnalisation des enseignant·es du primaire. Regards croisés sur deux dispositifs, UPEC SESS-STAPS, Jun 2022, Créteil, France. ⟨hal-03792506⟩
  • Inès Albandea, Géraldine Farges, Loïc Szerdahelyi, Faustine Vallet-Giannini. La préprofessionnalisation aux métiers de l’enseignement : un dispositif d’ouverture sociale ? Profil des étudiant·es AED Prépro et usages du dispositif. La construction des inégalités dans l’enseignement supérieur et la recherche, RESUP; ENS de Lyon, Oct 2021, Lyon, France. ⟨hal-03384982⟩
  • Loïc Szerdahelyi, Inès Albandea, Géraldine Farges, Faustine Vallet-Giannini. La préprofessionnalisation aux métiers de l’enseignement : parcours d’étudiant·es de licence dans l’académie de Dijon. Colloque Inter-congrès "Politiques et territoires en éducation et en formation : enjeux, débats et perspectives", AREF, Jun 2021, Nancy, France. ⟨hal-03272724⟩
  • Inès Albandea, Géraldine Farges, Loïc Szerdahelyi, Faustine Vallet-Giannini. Les préprofessionnalisations aux métiers de l’enseignement : caractéristiques sociologiques des é de licence dans l'académie de Dijon. "Politiques et carrières en éducation et formation", CREN, May 2021, Nantes, France. ⟨hal-03273437⟩
  • Inès Albandea, Jean-François Giret. Les compétences non académiques utiles aux étudiants sur le marché du travail. Actualité de la Recherche en Éducation et en Formation (AREF), AECSE (Association des Enseignants et des Chercheurs en Sciences de l'Éducation); SSRE (Société Suisse pour la Recherche en Éducation); ABC-Educ (Association belge des chercheurs en Education); Ceds; Lab-E3D; Laces; ESPE d'Aquitaine; Faculté des Sciences de l'Education de l'Université de Bordeaux, Jul 2019, Bordeaux, France. ⟨hal-02187295⟩
  • Inès Albandea. The Employer Perception of Non-linear Educational Pathways. A Vignette Study with French Employers. International Conference on Education Economics, Hungrian Academy of Sciences; Center for Economic and Regional Studies, Nov 2018, Budapest, Hungary. ⟨halshs-01947264⟩
  • Inès Albandea. Se former sans y être obligé. Le rôle du contexte de l'entreprise. 4ème Colloque Doctoral International de l'Education et de la Formation (CIDEF) 2018, CREAD (Centre de Recherche sur l'Éducation, les Apprentissages et la Didactique de Brest et de Rennes); CREN (Centre de Recherche en Education de Nantes), Oct 2018, Rennes, France. ⟨halshs-01917861⟩
  • Inès Albandea. La valorisation des parcours d'études non linéaires sur le marché du travail. 37e journées de l'Association d'Economie Sociale, AES (Association d'Economie Sociale), Sep 2017, Saint Denis, France. ⟨halshs-01614331⟩
  • Inès Albandea. Wage penalties for post-secondary education interruption in France. The XXVI meeting of the Economics of Education Association (AEDE), Economics of Education Association (AEDE), Jun 2017, Murcia, Spain. ⟨halshs-01614312⟩
  • Inès Albandea. The effect of soft-skills on French graduate pay. International Congress of the French Economic Association, AFSE (Association Française de Science Economique) Jun 2017, Nice, France. ⟨halshs-01614316⟩
  • Inès Albandea. La rentabilité salariale des parcours d'études non linéaires. Colloque doctoral international de l'éducation et de la formation, CREN (Centre de Recherche en Éducation de Nantes), Oct 2016, Nantes, France. ⟨halshs-01413134⟩
  • Inès Albandea, Jean-François Giret. Soft-skills and labour market outcomes : the case of young people French graduates. Competence 2016 Wageningen, Wageningen University and Research, Oct 2016, Wageningen, Netherlands. ⟨halshs-01413126⟩

Special issue

  • Elise Allard-Latour, Chloé Riban, Béatrice Alexandre, Aline Ganivet, Catherine Huchet, et al.. Édito - Les enjeux pour l’éducation et la formation de demain. Recherches en éducation, 45, 2021. ⟨hal-03432039⟩

Book sections

  • Inès Albandea, Julien Berthaud, Jean-François Giret, Nicolas Carayol. Les effets des programmes d'excellence sur l'attractivité des formations en Master et Doctorat. Bordeaux School of Economics. Analyse d'impact ex post des programmes d'excellence (IdEx, LabEx, I-SITE, IDEFI) : Etude commandée par le Secrétariat Général Pour l’Investissement (SGPI) et l’Agence Nationale de la Recherche (ANR), 2022. ⟨hal-03952674⟩
  • Inès Albandea, Jean-François Giret. Apports de méthodes expérimentales et quasi-expérimentales. Albero, Brigitte; Thievenaz, Joris. Traité de méthodologie de la recherche en Sciences de l'éducation et de la formation. Enquêter dans les métiers de l'humain (Tome 2), 2022, 978-2-917645- 94-9. ⟨hal-03695150⟩
  • Inès Albandea. Les parcours d'études interrompus temporairement. Guibert, Pascal; Maulini, Olivier. Manuel de sciences de l'éducation et de la formation, De Boeck Supérieur, 2021, 978-2-8073-3118-1. ⟨hal-03698119⟩

Preprints, Working Papers

  • Inès Albandea, Jean-François Giret. L'effet des soft-skills sur la rémunération des diplômés. 2016. ⟨halshs-01264812⟩
  • Magali Danner, Christine Guégnard, Inès Albandea. Motivations des élèves en classe préparatoire publique aux écoles supérieures d'art. 2014. ⟨halshs-01089940⟩


  • Magali Danner, Christine Guégnard, Inès Albandea. Motivation et poursuite de parcours des étudiants en école supérieure d'art ayant suivi une formation dans une école préparatoire publique ou privée : Rapport final. [Rapport de recherche] IREDU; CEREQ. 2014. ⟨halshs-01089932⟩


  • Inès Albandea. Retour en formation et parcours d'études atypiques : déterminants et valorisation sur le marché du travail. Economies et finances. Université Bourgogne Franche-Comté, 2019. Français. ⟨NNT : 2019UBFCG006⟩. ⟨tel-02482511⟩


+33 3 80 39 54 55
Room 104 - Pôle AAFE Building


Thesis defended on November 26, 2019

Thesis director: Jean-François Giret


Thesis subject: Returning to training and atypical academic carreers - determinants and recognition on the labour market


Thesis Abstract: Life long learning appears as a major concern for our societies. After leaving the educational system, learning can imply returning to school or continuing education. Academic careers in France seem less and less linear. Young people are encouraged to make the most of college breaks in order to diversify their experiences. During their career, they are to be trained to « be free to choose their professional future », as mentions a new law. This thesis, then, aims at identifying the reasons why people go back to training and at stuying how such returns are seen by the labor market.
This work includes a preliminary chapter and three other chapters, each with specific data.
Based on a literature review, the preliminary chapter investigates the reasons why people go back to school or choose training. We analyze the theoretical conditions explaining the way such experiences are seen by the labor market. The data of the first chapter are from the Céreq “Génération 98” survey, which tracks formal education leavers during ten years. Such a longitudinal survey enables the study of the impact of non-linear pathways on recent graduates salaries, thanks to the instrumental variables method. Recent graduates with post-secondary education interruption receive a lower salary than their peers, ceteris paribus – even with high social and academic profile and good relational skills.
This seems to confirm the hypothesis of a negative signal to the employers.
The results of the first chapter lead us into the second part where we investigate the promotion of atypical academic careers by the labor market. We surveyed recruitment consultants with the factorial survey method in order to understand how they perceive such careers. More than a thousand CVs were evaluated by the consultants according to the probability of them giving a job interview. Our econometric analysis shows that the absence of details about temporary education interruption seem detrimental, ceteris paribus. Facing the lack of information, recruitment consultants would not take the risk of hiring a candidate who has been non-working. Although, this large signal effect does not apply if the candidate mentions a trip abroad or a “service civique” during the academic career.
In the third part we try to understand what determines a reinvestment in training – but only for working employees.We use the “Defis” survey lead by the Céreq. The data are from employees and companies questionnaires. Our results show that very few variables seem to impact the chance for an employee to seek training. Likewise, accessing to optional training seems to rely on individual motives and on job characteristics – even though company features do matter. This fact increases the inequality in training accessibility. Using a DID matching method shows that this type of training doesn’t seem to increase salaries.


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Associate Researcher

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