On the Radio

25 November 2018. “Culture et inégalités scolaires”, program “Être et savoir” by Louise Tourret, with Julien Netter, David Guilbaud, Marie Duru-Bellat
16 September 2018 – 10:00 – 14:00 – contribution of Jean-François Giret, on France Info, regarding “jobs étudiants”
8 December 2016 – Journal of 12:30 – contribution de Jean-François Giret (Starting at 18’22), invited for the Interview sequence, regarding the national investigation of the conditions of student life, lead by l’OVE in the spring of 2016
7 December 2016 – Marie Duru-Bellat, chercheur à l’institut de recherche et d’éducation : “On est moyens mais homogènes en classe”. Soizic Bour, France Bleu Burgundy
18 November 2016 – Les conditions de vie des étudiants – program “Sept milliards” on RFI, with Jean-François Giret
5 September 2015 – L’autre guerre scolaire : enquête sur les pratiques d’apprentissage de la lecture – program “La suite dans les idées” on France Culture, with Sandrine Garcia and Anne-Claudine Oller
10 November 2014 – “Diagnostiquer la dyslexie chez l’enfant. Enjeux, conflits et coûts sociaux” – program “Sociologie” on Radio Dijon Campus (92.2). contribution of Sandrine Garcia
22 October 2013 – “Quand le petit job devient grand” – program “La matinale du Mouv'”, with Elise Griffon and Sébastien Marnier, author of Salaire net et monde de brutes (Editions Delcourt), Jean-François Giret, Professor of the science of education at the University of Burgundy, director of IREDU and member of the observatory of student life and Claire Chaudière, reporter for Mouv’. Contribution of Jean-François Giret at 80:46
21 June 2013 – “Qu’est ce qu’un bon élève ?” – program 7 milliards de voisins on RFI, Emmanuelle Bastide, with Yves Dutercq, professo rat teh univeristy and co-director of the center of reseasrch education in Nantes and Annie Lasne, Doctor of the science of education at the University of Burgundy.
6 June 2013 – « La Parole aux Femmes » – episode 4 : Les métiers sexués. program “Le temps de la ville” on Radio cultures Dijon, with Christine Guégnard, IREDU researcher, Catherine Marquis, assistant principal at the Lycée Eiffel, Delphine Zénou, regional delegate to women’s rights and equality in Burgundy
27 May 2013 – Les ados et les dangers sur Internet : cyber-harcèlement et cyber-violence – with Catherine Blaya, professor of sociology.