School-Level Effects in Education for Sustainable Development: A Secondary Analysis of the PISA 2018 Survey

  1. Chimène, L. (2023). School-Level Effects in Education for Sustainable Development: A Secondary Analysis of the PISA 2018 Survey. Recherches en éducation, (53).

Since the advent of education for sustainable development (ESD), schools have been tasked with a new mission: fostering sustainable development knowledge and skills in learners. Driven by international mandates, all educational systems are encouraged to address this major 21st-century challenge, positioning schools as key players in cultivating sustainable development values and competencies. While schools—through their organization, composition, and pedagogical choices—can influence students’ cognitive skills, questions remain about their impact on developing sustainable development knowledge and values among youth. Using data from the PISA 2018 survey, our findings reveal a positive but limited effect of schools on the acquisition of these competencies and values.

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