- Anciaux, E. (2023). Evaluation of a Public Policy: Between Representations and Expectations of Actors within an Educational City. e-JIREF, 9(3), 75‑95. https://doi.org/10.48782/e-jiref-9-3-75
As part of the evaluation of an Educational City initiative, we interviewed actors involved in this policy about their perceptions of the evaluation process and their expectations of the evaluator through 16 semi-structured interviews. This research, based on a Master’s thesis in educational sciences, aims to understand whether actors’ representations can impact their acceptance of the evaluation process.
These representations and expectations in the context of evaluating a public policy were linked to their professional culture across three categories of actors: the national education sector, the extracurricular sector, and the associative sector. Our reflection centered around the following issue: To what extent does the professional culture of actors influence their perception of evaluation and the role of the evaluator?
Following the analysis of the results, it appears that actors have differing representations of evaluation and expectations towards the evaluator based on their professional culture.