Project managers : Claire Bonnard and Jean-François Giret
Research Engineers : Amélie Duguet and Arthur Sawadogo
This project (2019-2021) concerns the evaluation of an experiment set up within the framework of the Fonds d’Expérimentation de la Jeunesse (FEJ) of the Institut National de la Jeunesse et de l’Education Populaire (INJEP-Ministry of National Education), to help secondary school students from priority education in their post-third grade orientation. The project is also linked to the research programme of the CAR Céreq in Dijon.
The experiment is organised by an association founded about ten years ago, the Etincelle network. The action is characterised in particular by a five-day immersion of pupils in a company or a group of companies, during which different professional environments are presented, as well as several activities linked to the development of “soft skills”. It should enable pupils to reflect on their career path and the choice of their work placement in 3ème. More than 200 pupils in several schools in different academies are involved in this project. The evaluation is quantitative and qualitative. Pupils passing through the experimentation are compared to a control population in order to try to understand the effects of this experimentation.