AMI PARCOURSUP : Choice, course guidance, motivation, studies, support, success of students – the “oui,si” (“yes, if”) students – Compare

Project supervisor : Alain FERNEX (ECP – ULL2) – Jean-François GIRET (IREDU – UBFC)

Researchers involved in this project : 

IREDU : Amélie DUGUET, Marielle LE MENER, Claire BONNARD

ECP Lyon 2 : Ghislain FAVERGEAT, Charlène MENARD, Thierry MICHALOR, Sonia LEFEUVRE, Jean-Yves SEGUY, Stéphane SIMONIAN, Alexandra LEYRIT, Laurent COSNEFROY.

Summary :

The ORE law introduced three types of response to university applications: – yes; – yes, if; – waiting list/non-assignment, capacities being reached. The aim of this proposal is to examine the ‘yes, if’ option, the groups it concerns, its implementation and its effects. The “yes, if” possibility introduces a change in the functioning of training departments and the practices of teachers and teacher-researchers. It is worth examining the way in which the players are taking it on board and the effects of these new methods on student retention and success. We are going to look at the social representations attached to the various study programmes, the organisation of these programmes in terms of taking charge of the target groups and the repercussions that these different factors may have on the success of young people in higher education, in the Ministry of Higher Education, Research and Innovation. The work is divided into three main parts:

1) To identify how these social representations are constructed, by underlining the fact that the PARCOURSUP system is now fully integrated into the practices of constructing the orientation choices of learners. It infers new behaviours in them and in the formal and informal support staff, the reasons for which need to be understood

2) To analyse both how institutions and higher education streams proceed to define “yes, if” profiles, and how these same streams can either organise specific support (dedicated programmes, support…), or even different support according to identified sub-categories, or issue individual recommendations to targeted audiences, or determine profiles at risk once the academic year has begun. This diversity of practices is amplified by the fact that the same university may organise actions differently depending on the course of study

3) As long as the “yes if” system is supposed to provide a response adapted to the characteristics of students, it is important to question the effectiveness of this type of pathway. The follow-up of internal pathways within universities using APOGEE data provides information on student success. It is therefore possible to monitor the situation of ‘yes’ students in the university and, on request, in other universities. It is also interesting to be able to match APOGEE data with ORISUP data.

Websites :

Related information/publications :

Antoniadis A., Simonian S. (2018) Représentations Sociales et Acceptabilité d’une plateforme, Recherche & Formation, n°e-310-novembre 2018.

Blundell, R., Costa Dias M. (2000). Evaluation Methods for Non Experimental Data, Fiscal Studies, vol.21, n 4, pp. 427-468.

Body, K., Bonnal, L., & Giret, J. F. (2017). Mesurer l’effet du travail salarié sur la réussite: une analyse statistique sur les étudiants d’une université française. Mesure et évaluation en éducation, 40(3), 69-103.

Body, K. M. D., Bonnal, L., & Giret, J. F. (2014). Does student employment really impact academic achievement? The case of France. Applied Economics, 46(25), 3061-3073.

Béduwé, C., Berthaud, J., Giret, J. F., & Solaux, G. (2018). Les relations entre l’emploi salarié et les interruptions d’études à l’université. Education et sociétés, (1), 7-25.

Simonian S., Kaplan, J., Chaker, R. (2019). Affordance en e-formation et régulation de l’apprentissage : une exploration dans un contexte d’études universitaires, Transformations (revue en ligne).

Simonian S. (2019). Changer de paradigme : approche écologique et problématique de l’affordance, Albero B., Simonian S., Eneau J. (eds) (2019), Activité humaine & numérique : état des lieux et prospective en éducation & formation. Hommage aux travaux de Monique Linard (pp. 431-443). Paris : Raison et Passions.

Simonian S., Quintin J.J., Urbanski S. (2016). La construction des collectifs dans l’apprentissage collaboratif à distance, Les Sciences de l’Education – Pour l’ère nouvelle, vol. 49 (1), 57-82.

Le Mener M., Morlaix S. (2015). La motivation des étudiants à l’entrée à l’université : quels effets directs ou indirects sur la réussite ?, Recherches en éducation, 22, 152-168.

Le Mener, M. (2015). Quels comportements des étudiants face aux dispositifs d’aide à la réussite à l’université ? in Perret, Cathy. Le Plan Réussite en Licence, Quelles actions, quels effets, quelles perspectives ?, Éditions Universitaires de Dijon, pp.91-113.

Leyrit, A. & Le Moing, P. (en révision), Pratiques enseignantes en lycée professionnel au regard des représentations sociales, de l’estime de soi et des stratégies de protection de soi des élèves, Education et Didactique.


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