Evaluation of a training experiment for secondary school teachers

Project manager for IREDU: Sophie Morlaix

Other partners/people involved in the research :

-Jean Philippe LACHAUX, Director of Research CNRS, INSERM

– Benedicte Terrier, IGR INSERM

– Lucie Corbin, MCF cognitive psychology, LEAD, MEEF-INSPE department

– Amélie DUGUET, MCF Educational sciences

– Sophie MORLAIX, PU Educational sciences

– Camille LEGRAND, Léa TETU, master 2 students CCRF (consultant advisor responsible for training)

– Emmanuel MASSON (Principal of Quetigny College), Véronique GUEHL (coordinator of the laboratory school, Quetigny College)

Summary : 

The Jean-Rostand secondary school in Quetigny was awarded the LEA (Lieu d’Education Associé) label by the IFE (Institut Français de l’Education) in 2020. As such, it can set up experiments in conjunction with researchers on themes that seem interesting to it, with the aim of improving the success of pupils or well-being within the school. Since the start of the 2020 school year, it has been experimenting with a new training programme for teachers on the subject of student attention, particularly in the 6th grade. The research project aims to evaluate the effects of this training on teachers’ teaching practices in the first instance, and then in the longer term its effects on pupils. It allows researchers in cognitive psychology (LEAD Dijon), educational sciences (IREDU Dijon) and neurosciences (INSERM Lyon) to collaborate with a pedagogical team of about 12 teachers and CPEs from the school. This project benefits from a BQR from the INSPE of Dijon.

Link : http://ife.ens-lyon.fr/lea/le-reseau/les-differents-lea/college-jean-rostand-quetigny

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