IREDU Welcomes 4 New Doctoral Students

-Samuel RIN, supervised by Géraldine Farges, will focus on “Analyzing the Supply and Demand for Profiled Positions in National Education: Towards a Transformation of Career Logics in Teaching?” (Funding: MESRI)

-Valentin MOISON, supervised by Sophie Morlaix (IREDU) and Sophie Demonceaux (Cimeos Laboratory), will work on “The Development of Critical Thinking Among Middle and High School Students” (Funding: Bourgogne-Franche Comté Region, Envergure program)

-Camille MORANGE, supervised by Sophie Morlaix and Claire Bonnard, will research “Individualization of Distance Learning Paths through Artificial Intelligence” (Funding: CAFOC – GIP FTLV – Académie de Dijon)

-Jessye LAFRANCESCHINA, supervised by Claire Bonnard and Julien Berthaud, will study “Students in ‘Re-entry’ Programs: What Transition and Academic Success in Higher Education?” (Funding: ANR RITM-BFC)

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