Monday May 18, 2024: launch of a national longitudinal survey on doctoral professional experience

The Institute for Research on Education (IREDU, University of Burgundy) is launching a longitudinal survey on the professional experience of the doctorate (PhDEXP project funded by the ANR), to which we would like first-year doctoral students different French universities actively participate. This survey aims to understand the experiences of doctoral students, their feeling of competence with regard to certain activities, as well as their professional project. This survey fulfills the obligations of the GDPR. A data management plan has also been submitted to the ANR.

A distribution email to doctoral schools and first-year doctoral students has been sent.

For any further information, you can contact us at the following address ( or at the following telephone number ( We will answer all your questions.

Below you will find some references concerning the numerous works of IREDU on the integration of doctoral graduates over the past fifteen years.

The PhDEXP survey team (IREDU) Marion Tavant, Jean-François Giret and Julien Berthaud


2020. Finding your place in the academic sector, a project that is less and less attractive for doctoral students? Education and socialization. The CERFEE Notebooks, (58). J. Calmand, J.F Giret

2018, An evaluation of the effects of the Young Doctors Scheme on access to R&D jobs. Report for France Stratégie. With JF Giret (scientific director) Bernela, B., Bonnal, L., Bonnard, C., Calmand, J.

2016, “When French doctoral graduates who have gone abroad self-assess their skills”, Transformations, 15/16 with Claire Bonnard, JF Giret, pp.1-16.

2016, “Becoming a researcher or teacher-researcher: doctoral students’ taste for research put to the test of the job market”, Recherches en Education, n°25, pp.157-173 (C. Bonnard, J. Calmand, J.F Giret ).

2016, International mobilit of French Ph.D.s, European journal of higher education, 7 (1), pp.1–13 (with C. Bonnard, J. Calmand JF Giret),

2015, “Creation of competitiveness clusters and salaries of engineers”, Revue d’Économie Industrielle, 151, pp. 11-36 with Claire Bonnard, J.-F. Giret and Philippe Lemistre 2010, “Determinants of Access to Academic Careers in France”, Economics of Innovation and New Technology, 19(5), pp. 437 – 458, with L. Bonnal, JF Giret

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