Project QOVAI : What are the effects of Open-badges as a tool for Valuing Informal Learning?

Research workers : Marc Demeuse (The university of Mons) et Jean-François Giret (IREDU)

PhD student funded on the project :  Bastien Rollin

This research (2019-2020) is financed by the PIA 2 RITM BFC project and by a thesis co-financing from the University of Mons. It is also part of the partnership that has been conducted for several years between the Institute of School Administration of the University of Mons, directed by Marc Demeuse, and the IREDU. It is also linked to the research programme of the CAR Céreq in Dijon.

The recognition and valorisation of informal learning in young people’s lives is an important issue. They can help them in their orientation as well as in their academic success or in their professional integration. In recent years, experiments with new tools such as open-badges have been carried out in higher education in France and in other countries. These open-badges are digital certificates of knowledge and skills acquisition in various academic and non-academic fields. Within the framework of a thesis project in cotutelle on two universities, the research aims at questioning the effects of the open badges from two types of experimentation. More specifically, it will concern the effects of open-badge recognition of non-academic competences acquired through non-academic experiences, but also the effects of open-badge recognition of non-academic competences acquired during university training. In addition, an experiment in secondary education is under discussion following contacts with the rectorate of the Dijon academy (DAN).

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